Tuesday, 15 September 2015

A Rabbit in the Headlights

As an old Tory I find Corbyn's press silence a wonderful political tactic, he's got Cameron stuck like a rabbit mesmerised by a cars headlights, Cameron just cant move.

Pro EU Cameron didn't see this coming, he thought conning the British to vote for the EU was going to be a cake walk, a quick dance around the EU pretending to get concessions, then  sell another con to the British electorate, it was that simple..

Poor old Cameron didn't calculate on Corbyn winning, he thought Labour was finished and never considered Corbyn's dislike the EU would drag votes away,
Meanwhile over in France in a head on EU attack, Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's nationalist party has promised to take France out of the EU the day after she wins the election in 2017.which is just days before Cameron's EU referendum vote.

Even as I write this the SNP want another Scottish referendum quick, terrified of losing votes to Corbynites next May.

Hmmm I hear you say .

So we have Cameron being attacked from all sides, he cant give the British a EU referendum vote while international news programmes show tens of 1000's of refugees walking through Europe with lots heading for Britain and to top it all against public opinion he agreed to accept 20,000 more and he cant give the British a EU referendum vote After the French elections, Marine Le Pen is expected to win.

So Cameron stands transfixed staring at Corbyn's headlights hoping Corbyn will say something for him to attack, but this silence leaves Cameron looking a fool and stuck in a perfect check mate, with time running out to get the EU yes vote he so dearly wants ..

Blogger said

Very interesting times, what will Cameron do next?