Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Has Cameron just destroyed the Tory Party?

Go on , is there anyone out there that actually believes Cameron seriously renegotiated these issues, I can only imagine the other European leaders are ill with belly laughter following Cameron's disastrous and and somewhat dangerous plan, it was also noted that Cameron slipped in veiled threats that there would be a plague on our houses if all good Tories did not follow him on his road to nowhere.

Following the despicable threats made to party members from the Conservative board if they plan or work for the exit campaign, it was amusing that Cameron has thrown in a first shot of frighteners about the UK not being able to defend itself out side the EU.

This debacle is yet another pitiful attempt purely designed to persuade British people to stay in the EU he loves, worse still the biased Conservative party board allowed him to say it, or do we assume he said it as a Mr Cameron and not as a Conservative PM and the new rules don't apply to him.

Perhaps he has forgotten that the people of this great nation defended itself quite well last time, even though Mr Cameron has run down the British Armed forced so badly to the point were even the USA have complained, Yes a Conservative British PM sacking 20,000 troops, scrapping our fighter jets and sending our ships for steel scrap.
Lets hope he is not relying on the new Euro army to defend us ?

Within minutes of this embarrassing speech EU ministers and real British Conservatives came on TV stunned by how pathetic his renegotiation points are,  some saying they are very simplistic.

Trouble is Cameron's pathetic request is now with his EU leadership friends, assuming they don't send the letter back stamped  "Not Known at this address" and they will only negotiate around these specific issues and expect the UK to stay in, if they concede just a little.

His negotiations amount to little more than
Our nations £ and Sovereignty  is not and was never up for discussion, how dare Cameron stoop so low as to even consider putting this on the table IT IS NOT FOR NEGOTIATION we are a sovereign nation 

The EU could now discuss this making things worse, Disgusting


We could restrict migrants benefits by NOT LETTING THEM IN the UK and those that do come here illegally should be returned to the first EU country they entered, as is the existing Law.
As for refusing to pay benefits that may well be against EU law

and a little on trade and as we all know the EU does not let the UK trade with anyone  without their permission. 

Blogger said
This is the worst of all possible scenarios.
We now have Mr Cameron as a British leader, who flatly who refuses to lead the British people and hides while the biggest vote in our countries history looms upon us, in the vain hope he does not upset his EU masters.

Every time we proposed making any change within the EU , the UK was out voted by the other 27 EU countries, yes over 40 times we have tried and  failed to get our point over.
Put another way, every time we try we are ignored, but still they want our £55 million a day.

Britain pays the EU bills but gets no say in what they are spending 

I fear the whole Conservative party will now start to break up 


Sunday, 8 November 2015

Dirty Party Tricks

The EU referendum gets forever closer and the Tory Party tricks get worse, starting with a shocking attempt to change purdah laws, which would have allowed our British government to use our tax money to tell you via TV advertisements how to be good EU citizens, love the EU and vote for the EU, we now have the latest nasty gimmick a letter direct from the Party board, stating what TORY MEMBERS CANT DO.

Tory HQ has sent letters to Conservative Association chairs warning them not to step out of line on the EU referendum
The Party Board has decided that Party resources, which includes any buildings, equipment, or finances, must not be made available to either campaign or any third party participants in the campaign.
The letter goes on to say
    Individual members of the Party may of course take part in the forthcoming campaign on any side they wish, but they may only do so as individuals and must not suggest that they are representing the Party nor must they make use of any party resource to which they have access.”
So local West Midland Eurosceptic Tory Party members CAN NOT say they are Tories if they campaign on the “Get Out the EU”  and quit now side?
This new rule leaves a strange anomaly, Tory leaders like Cameron and Osborne bang on about the dangers of leaving the EU and are openly Pro EU, so are we to assume the party board consider that acceptable?

Is it not time Cameron and Osborne should also work to this new rule and state:-

Who are Cameron and Osborne representing ?

Do Cameron and Osborne speak in a personal capacity or party Capacity? 
What is the point of  "Conservatives for Britain"?

Or could it be one rule for grass roots members 
and another for the boss ?

The Party now has a massive problem looming, at local level the membership is quite steadfast in its Conservatism, while the parties “select” London elite drift forever away from the grass roots, into a veritable wonderland

The end result will I fear produce a massive problem selecting election candidates for the 2016 local elections and the 2020 General election.
The London management within this misguided party elite will ensure that the candidates for both council and PPC's are “on message and EU loving”.

Trouble is the local associations will simply not select them and I look forward to multiple selection meetings, with Conservative head office sending in Management called in to force associations to have their “appointed” candidates over those locally chosen.

Blogger said

When local Tories are banned from campaigning against Europe at public meetings, they are banned from using their offices or office computers to campaign, and have to tell everyone they are not Tories one wonders whats happening within the party.

 The main trouble is their leader Cameron, who won the leadership battle saying he was Eurosceptic a plain lie, the other alternative is if he campaigns for in and the people vote OUT he has to resign 

If he campaigns for an out and the people vote IN he has to resign 
so this could be more about protecting Cameron than protecting our country
What has happened to democracy?