Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Single Market CON

So Theresa is holding a big meeting at checkers, well don't hold your breath on the outcome, as most of her EU loving team want to submit to the EU's threats, made by the EU's autocratic unelected dictatorial masters.

What she should be asking her cabinet members is simple.

Lets consider the corrupt EU Market?

Would you buy your shopping from a supermarket

1, That fixes prices, so it over charges you for everything?
2, Orders you to let the supermarket workers live in your home ?
3, Orders you to look after the welfare of the shop worker living in your home.
4, That tells you what you can and cannot buy
5, Specifies you must buy approved items from approved European companies
6, If you make a complaint about the Prices, it still takes money from your bank?
7, if you continue with your complaint, it says it will punish you
8, if you try to shop elsewhere it threatens you with economic sanctions

Then imagine if shamelessly this supermarket 
Then demands you must give it your Bank account password and your Home security alarm
password,  so it can deliver over priced inferior products inside your home and charge you
what it wants, when it wants to and gives no change

Well that's the corrupt EU Single Market
we live in, its called a Command Economy,
which some of our British MP's still want

You the electorate must ask why our “Remain” MPS , Tory, Labour and Lib/dem want to
sign up to a trade deal like that.
Britain does not need or want the corrupt Single Market

WW1 and WW2

These Items are Not for Negotiation


Europe regularly Steals our North Sea Fish
First estimates say that simply taking back control of our North Sea fishing would return
£3 billion to Britain and create 14,000 jobs on the east coast

Our North Sea Fishing was STOLEN by the EU as our price of entry in 1971 , its British not open to negotiation


In 1975 under EU rules, British steel once the biggest supplier in the world was slowly closed, Ravenscraig steelworks made the best steel in the world , indeed Britain made the worlds best Tools steels also made in Scotland

Our own Bilston had one of the biggest furnaces in the world, Bilston Iron & Steelworks when it closed Labour blamed the Tories, the Tories blamed Labour

The real culprit was both the Tories & Labour working to their new European Masters orders who wanted Germany to produce the EU's steel

Our British Steel was STOLEN by the EU as our price of entry in 1971 , its British not open to negotiation


That disgraceful discredited Cameron was plotting behind our backs to hand over control of our Armed forces , Army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air force to Angela Merkel's dictatorship.

The British Armed forces are NOT negotiable, , its British not open to negotiation

Disgracefully the Tories were looking at selling our NHS through a thing called TTIP.
This was a plan to sell our NHS to the USA

Our NHS was being STOLEN by the EU, its British not open to negotiation

Blackheath blogger said

We are now in strange uncharted waters, this government's cabinet is made up from EU lovers, people DO NOT TRUST THEM to get out of Europe to Britain's best advantage

We need to trade with Europe but not be under any form of EU control, we do not need a Norway Model , we do not need any model ,we want the best deal for us the UK.

Lots of politicians and political organisations are already saying that to work to help Europe is an act of Treason against the Crown.
Even as I write this blog there are moves afoot from a new political Party to place a fully funded Candidate against each and every “remain” MP in the country, to rid the UK of EU loving MP's,

The British Political landscape is changing, our country cant go on with parliamentary parties ignoring its membership, the Tory and Labour party will be forced to change its MP's and reselect candidates with a Brexit bias or they will lose their seats.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

May's Honeymoon Is Over

All over the UK good and true Conservatives are worried that the “Remain” team inside this new cabinet will NOT deliver our Exit to Britain's best advantage.

Tories nationwide are worried, that we have not heard one single thing that has been done to show we are leaving, indeed some pundits are saying that a return to the British blue passport removing the EU link would be a first “ceremonial” gesture of freedom, but May's remain team keeps silent.

All the British public do hear via a discredited media that supported Cameron's remain team is that May's government is talking, these Tories are good at that, we heard lots from Cameron government, most of it lies.

The mess from the last government continues to bubble to the top as number of good Tories have voiced their opinions on Cameron honours list, in fact I have considered writing to ask where is my knighthood? as Cameron's bottle-washers and shoe shiner seem to have done so well

While this goes on we have a number who pretend to be bastions of all that is British and prefer to talk our country down, they thrive on it, even our £'s slight drop was used as a major News focal point, yes its only been a few weeks since the referendum but the BBC ( The nations Broadcaster) but which nation is open to suggestion,  is openly delirious with happiness that the £ lost 7% and its over the moon to tell you , " its all happened since Brexit" forgetting to say Osborne had been driving our economy into a crash for over a year

Lie as they might the BBC should remember democracy, when they beg for more licence money to pay the luvvies 

So what have Tories to look forward to?
Well in just over 3 months we have the Party Conference, that will give the party board more time to talk and plot, sadly this plotting is no longer confined to plotting against its own parties members.
I fear lots of plotting will be against the general public.
However with 150 Tory MPs sick of Europe this will be a very entertaining Conference

The Party Board can plot as much as it wants, but its too late
If you love the EU, as does most of this “Remain” based Government and you don't really want to leave all your sycophantic EU friends in Europe, but the nasty people of Britain forced you to in an election
Then the options this government has are quite limited
They could go into LIE overdrive and set up a ministry of disinformation, with the specific aim to CON the electorate into believing how wonderful the trade negotiations are going while selling their souls to Europe, but the good people of Britain saw through this last time.

May's Government now has a second problem
In the referendum vote lots of good Conservatives, lots of good Labour and lots of good UKIP supporters in fact 17,500,000 good Brexit voters all VOTED OUT

However on the very evening of the poll respected YouGov pollsters forecast a 4 point lead to Remain and as we all know we ended with a 4 point EXIT.

Well just one month later and in what can only be classed as a total mysterious coincidence,  following a massive pro EU media campaign in both the press and on BBC TV,    YouGov have conducted the same poll again

Yes even after all the sob stories and more “Remain” lies , all the media propaganda did was to drive more away from the EU.

The EU lovers are in a Mess

Meanwhile it looks like our leaving the EU could not have come fast enough,
with mass marches against Merkel in a number of German cities.

 ( Have you noticed how the globalists and EU lovers 
call anyone who complains right wing or a racist) 

With an economic and humanitarian disaster being deliberately engineered in Germany, Theresa May cannot be allowed to let our exit time frame slip in any way, we need to limit our exposure to the European collapse, even Soros bet on fall in Deutsche Bank shares after the Brexit vote

So to those in remain who still love the EU
here's a list of disasters looming in Europe

May Needs To Remember 

A Governments first Duty
is to protect its people 

Trigger Article 50 NOW!
Protect the UK

Meanwhile Over In The USA

The working classes in the USA are getting the same tripe from the Democrats that we were given in Blighty made up of media attack based on complete lies and deceit down to total treachery.
To British readers the USA has undergone the same industrial damage as Britain, with the help of top politicians, working with big corporations whole Industries have moved out the USA into lower wage economy countries, leaving parts of the USA desolate.

Just like Britain, working and middle class USA workers have gone from home owning affluence to shockingly poor standards of living under their Governments , while copying Britain the rich have become unbelievably richer.

See the strange similarities here ?

Trump a republican, has and said he will put the USA first and this has sent the Democrats crazy.

He wants an end to international Trade deals set up and run by multi nationals for their profits with no respect to the American worker
Like Britain the rich in the USA are living on the backs of the poor, political corruption is rife but like Britain in a prefect rerun of our own referendum media lies , the USA media deliberately OMIT or ignore any bad news about Hillary Clinton,

The Worlds Political Corrupt
are literally fighting for their very existence

Black heath blogger said

 You don't get this on the BBC 
Fox News on Hillary 

Considers it acceptable to keep and lose top secret emails on a home server
Which was apparently hacked by lots around the world

If she is made President
Will she keep the USA's ICBM launch codes on the same server at home?

A Terrifying Concept