Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The Germans Mock BREXIT

The German TV channel ZDF consider it hilarious to mock Britain in what is supposed to be a comedy programme

The main problem is the TV programme associates the British as backward race of people stuck on an island in the North Sea with ugly women, and portrays Cameron as a Biggles type character, which may be considered by the straight faced Germans as funny but in the UK would be considered inappropriate.
To make things worse the announcer says our Queen is a horse

Watch for your self

So now we have the spectre of a pathetic Prime Minister standing quiet while the French President threatened to UK, which has been followed by German comedy programmes attacking the British and telling us to shove our Brexit, with not one word from useless Mr Cameron

Blogger said
The ironic thing about this is why does loser Cameron want to even talk to this lot ? Let alone try to join them, when they call the British a failed country

Cameron they openly mock you 
are you to thick to understand ? 

Good people of Britain 
  You can of course wipe the smile of the German faces
Give your family a better future  


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Cameron's Project Fear doesn't Work

Cameron lyingly tells us if we leave the EU we will have no trading partners, he's forgot to tell you we will only have the "Whole world", yes Cameron's use of project fear shows the despicable depths this discredited prime minister will go to get his own way. 
Wonderfully however every time he rolls out a gloom and doom the Brexit vote rises.

It is now considered opinion that the Prime minister is politically finished and his friends Osborne and Lord Feldman are finished with him, the shock of losing most of his closest aids like Michael Gove and Boris Johnson has hit him hard, the news that his mentor lord Lamont and Nigel Lawson are campaigning for OUT adds salt to Cameron's wounds..

Meanwhile panicking Osborne's globe trotting attempt to cajole anyone he finds to back his lies is becoming an embarrassment, when added to Cameon's plague of flies and pestilence approach which is showing the world what little substance and character the current Tory leadership have.
But have you noticed Canada , Australia, New Zealand and others from our old commonwealth are strangely silent? 

Lets look at the truth, not Cameron lies

Only yesterday we were told it might take 10 years to sort out new trading arrangements.  This is plainly lies as the EU's own rules state that upon an exit vote if we do not even bother to talk to Europe and ignore any negotiations they offer, then after 2 years Britain returns to the laws and trade contracts in place back in 1973., that international law.
Oh and we get our North Sea fishing back
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar

Today we have the French ,threatening the British, but what they propose is tantamount to an act of aggression,
They actually threatened to send migrants to Britain if we left the EU
to use migrants to control a sovereign state is against the UN charter and illegal
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar

Germany's biggest car manufacturer BMW has stated
There will be job losses if the UK leaves the EU , yes they are so right , tens of thousands of production workers in Germany will lose their jobs, if Germany goes ahead and introduces trade sanctions against the British
To refuse to sell BMW cars to us would be economic suicide, but let the Germans try it
Luckily this will not affect the British as we will be free to buy Cars made in Australia or Canada or the USA, British car manufacturers will also boom being able to sell British made cars around the world
Sorry Mr Cameron you and your EU friends are liars

French Economy Minister said 
"France would open its arms to British-based banks wanting to stay in the bloc"
Why would any Bank want to move to a trading block that is considering breaking up and letting Greece , Italy and Spain leave the Euro, while the whole EU is Billions in debt?
When the British economy is booming

Why would any British Bank want to move to Germany were BMW is working short time when they refuse to sell British their cars ?
When our Car Factories are booming

Why would any British Bank want to move to France when their Farming economy has collapsed because we British have stopped paying the CAP £8 billion a year?
When our Farms are booming
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar

Blogger said
We now have a daily routine of threats, including threats of aggression and trade sanctions, which come from the very same French and Germans that Cameron calls friends and wants to rule us.

Strangely have you noticed Cameron has not said one good thing that the EU does give us ?

The liar cant, because our membership of the EU has no good points, the EU has given Britain 40 years of industrial poverty,.while Germany prospers, our farmer go out of business while your tax money pays Frances CAP subsidised farmers to prosper.

Then when you moan or complain the EU threatens you , 
The EU is a bully,  it only wants our money

 Vote Out

We have to get out for the sake of our grand children 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Cameron uses Top civil servants to CON you


Watch the video below,  Nadine Dorries Questioned the Prime minister about a supposed list of FT 100 companies that “want to stay inside the EU,.which will be in 
Tuesdays News Papers
The one big problem is, it was written by a top civil servant 
working in No 10 Downing Street

                                  This is the disgraceful reply from PM Cameron

He’s a civil servant working in No.10 and his authority comes from me, and he’s doing an excellent job… The government’s view is that we should Remain in a reformed European Union and the civil service is able to support the government in that role”


Blogger said

While the UK is in the middle of massive cuts, with folk starving and Struggling
Its good to know your tax money is being used to pay for Civil servants in side No 10 to sit down and work for the Stay in team

Well that's not biased is it ? 

Will Cameron let civil servants work for the out team as well 

No Way he want you to sucker up  and do what he says

We did say the "IN EU mob"  are desperate
So expect  more lies in the days to come 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The Faster we get out the better

As Austria announces its the latest European country to place restrictions on its boarders without their Prime Minister running around like a fool asking for German approval, its good to know British politicians have consistently lied all the way back in the 1970's when they said the EU would give us better trading for our factories. 

The lies of the EEC European experiment were that good for our factories, all the factories have gone, and millions of British jobs with them, most of the engineering went to France and Germany our Farming has gone to Spain, Portugal.

 Worse still Cameron lies even now 
and he's setting up a team of specially trained liars
 to convince you to stay in the EU.

Labour and Tories alike lied again and again always saying it was market forces, remember Blair ? He let Rover close with tens of thousands of skilled worker on the dole, all done under EU orders 
Renault and Citroën still trade well and are part French Government owned

Look at the British steel industry all but gone, the lying politicians will tell you its cheap Chinese steel LIES, German steel plants continue to trade well, tens of thousands of skilled British workers on the dole, all done under EU orders

The British electrical industry, the giant GEC, gone with trusted names, like Cannon, Hotpoint etc all mysteriously owned by European companies which seem to trade easily and Siemens its German partner is still trading very well indeed 
Gone to are the railway factories in Birmingham, forced to close when our Councils brought foreign trains and trams

Even as I write this the CBI Confederation of British industry is accused of being funded by the EU and having a pro EU stance

What has Europe given the British ? 
Poverty , unemployment and decades of lies from Euro-phile governments both Labour and Conservative who know little of local politics but always work to EU's orders 

A perfect example is our electricity power stations, our wonderful government  has just just closed Rugeley Power Station with 170 job losses saying it burns dirty coal , but Germany has just opened 10 new coal fired stations    has Germany found a new type of low emission coal ? NO, so who is lying? 

Yes its the British Government 

For decades good hard working folk who support both main parties have been ignored and used , Mr Cameron even had the temerity to tell his MPs to ignore local conservatives

Labour are the same traditional Labour supporters despise the EU and what it has done to jobs in the UK

The reason for all these lies ? Its simple

Markus Kerber, directorgeneral of the BDI business group in Germany, said: ‘A Brexit would lead to a dead end. A divided Europe will sink into oblivion.’

Blogger said 

They don't want us , they want to continue spending YOUR grand children's money

we have one chance

Vote to get out to give your grandchildren hope

Monday, 8 February 2016

The Conservative Party Needs a New Leader

The cartoon above by Mac from the Daily Mail says it all, good Conservatives of this land need to ask themselves a simple question , Can you trust this Prime Minister to get the best EU deal for us the British, after he told his MP's to IGNORE the local Conservative party members and voters wishes that got them elected?.

Members have remained silent long enough,
Mr Cameron has lost respect from lots of party members, he has to be the worst Prime Minister in British history, even beating that last appalling loser Mr Blair by a country mile, indeed politically they must be brothers..

Voters must ask themselves a simple question
When a Prime Minister of Great Britain shows no respect for his own party members, treating them like dirty serfs, then he must be prepared to treat you the voter with the same vile contempt..

What chance does our country and the electorate have in getting the truth from this Prime Minister ?
The answer is simple, NONE Cameron must class you all as serfs on his Lordships estate..

This latest disgrace follows dishonourable party letters sent to Conservative Associations chairmen instructing them not to use Party offices and equipment to support the EU out campaign, we've also had the Cabinet gagging orders forcing known Eurosceptics into silence.

From the emails this site receives, good true Conservative all over the UK find these the actions of
a Prime Minister growing more desperate daily, a Prime Minister who has more in kind with Tony Blair than the Conservative Party, a Prime Minister that lies.

Has the Conservative Party got to the point where the use threats, coercion and force, in a vain attempt to cover up appalling leadership is becoming normal?

This PM is destroying the party as more real Conservatives turn against this budding dictator

Put simply Cameron is losing the backing from his associations and no amount of threats will force them into submission, grass roots followers are leaving the party in disgust.

Conservative Eurosceptics all over the country have been silenced, while Cameron did his pointless
negotiations ( or perhaps plotting against the British ), while negotiating nothing.

This act attempted to cover up that he humbled himself and ridiculed our country by asking ( begging ) Germany if it would allow the UK to change British benefits payable to migrants.

The idiot came back with a deal in which migrants from some countries will get HIGHER child benefits than UK families.

Worse still he came on British TV saying it was a good deal !

Blackheath blogger said
Cameron is either out of his depth and the European politicians see him coming, or more sinister he has colluded and working with the Europeans to hand over Britain on a plate.

The Germans even have a word for it Dorf idiоt which translates as "Village idiot"

We have 4 years to the next election, we have a joke for a Labour opposition.

The Conservative Party I love needs an election and a vote of No Confidence in Cameron will trigger a leadership election, if MPs have the guts.

Conservatives in Britain need to find a new leader, a leader who puts our Country and Conservative party first, before personal power and loyalty to a foreign power.

Like Blair before him this man knows no limits to how low he will stoop to appease his EU masters

Vote out
To save this country from those that work with
and want Foreign powers to run it

For a better prosperous future
for your grand children