Saturday, 8 September 2012

Democracy is now dead in Blackheath!

Well it appears that if you're a Labour Cabinet Member that this your right and you are not answerable to anyone! Ignorance is bliss - comes to mind...........

Come on, Cllr.Ian Jones..have a read of this and have the decency to respond publicly!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Gone but not forgotten!

I see that a true Conservative is still causing trouble for Labour controlled Sandwell Council. Interesting to note that although the Council Website is now defunct since she lost her seat in May, by clicking on her name on the Halesowen News article, you can view archive details of campaigns that she has led for years. Pity the Labour Councillors cannot contribute anything to local issues.

Friday, 3 August 2012

New Conservative site for Blackheath town

This site will shortly be operating giving the people of Blackheath ward in Sandwell 
a Conservative view of what is actually going on in our area

see you all soon