Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tipton Horses

This story gets worse, a few years ago Sandwell Council in their wisdom decided to remove a number of horses from the Tipton area which traditionally had grazed on council land.

Back in November 2011 the BBC even ran a story that the Tipton horses could be sold at auction if not reclaimed.

the problem was Seized horses could be retrieved by owners but only at a cost of £2,000 a very large sum.

Horse owners put on horse drawn processions appeared on TV and Radio asking Labour to reconsider.

Even the local Conservative councillor appeared on TV asking for the Labour run council to reconsider and relent on their plans,
                Labour did not listen, and the horses disappeared.

Now following revelations from the National farmers union it seems Tipton Horses may have gone for food

A Sandwell Council representative said
 "They allow them to breed like there's no tomorrow and, yes, the foals disappear."

no sweat Einstein 

Well Sandwell Council the people need answers?

How many Tipton Horses impounded by the council went to the abattoirs for food ?

Did any Labour Councillor or Labour MP  know these horses may go for food ?

Is it possible the people of Tipton eaten their own horses?

  Blogger said
if this turns out to be verified as true its an absolutely disgraceful
If Councillors knew they should resign 
if they didn't know they should resign, for not knowing
I bet not one councillor will go

Monday, 11 February 2013

Sandwell Hospital Parking shock

So Sandwell and City hospitals want to raise the Tax ( parking ) charges on Sick folk and their visitors by up to 20%

A Disgraceful TAX on the sick

This comes just weeks after Sandwell Council also announced massive parking charge rises on a number of council car parks

West Brom now has
A Police station with no staff car park
A College with parking problems
A hospital with big parking charges
Sandwell Towns with big parking charges and empty shops

What is it with parking in Sandwell ?

blogger said
E-mail us with your comments

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

West Bromwich town Development

I see that employment estimates have been released concerning the £200 million development in the West Bromwich town centre.

Wait for it ….............................................120 jobs, will be ring fenced to Sandwell residents

Waited over 12 year for the development
seen loads of high street shops close
The old Bus station move
Gala baths close
The Public built

Yet Labour's new development, plans to bring in 120 local jobs?

When Labour were in the press telling people how wonderful it would be for jobs
Did they tell you the the rest of the 750 jobs could be from people out of borough? 


Blogger said

Well Done Sandwell that's £1.6M spent per Sandwell Job

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Close the Public or have a Rent Rise?

A good question, just a month or so after award winning Sandwell Homes went back in to council control, Sandwell Labour announce plans to hike everyone's rent by about £7 per week

Is that why they wanted Sandwell Homes Back?

yet at the same time they fund the public!.

So while the residents of Sandwell endure the proposed rise they can rest in the knowledge that they are helping to pay for the increased visitor numbers at the public.

yet Labour still blame others

The Coalition has given Sandwell £M's for housing yet sadly at a new project in West Bromwich you get a free push bike if you have a new home.

Is that because the parking is £4 per day ?

So I wonder what the people would want
Close the Public ?
have a rent rise ?

While your thinking about that one, I'm reminded about an article in the E&S page 11, 19th Oct 2012

Not content with tea and biscuits, Sandwell Council was considering Mexican fajita's or Dim Sum at its meetings

and here's a further report on Councillors Pay

Is it Let them eat cake ?

see also

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Parking in Old Hill

I see Old hill residents have had a nice Christmas present from Sandwell Labour, PARKING FEE's

"We told you so" would be the simple answer, Labour have had this passion for parking fee's for years, yet still manage to make a loss of £199,000. last year.
With Merry Hill, literally down the road we genuinely  feel sorry for the hard working traders but sadly you've got exactly what people voted for.

More Cost, less trade, take a look at West Bromwich High Street with its empty shops, even the council moved 100's of staff out of the town.
Now shop keepers & traders and workers in West Bromwich will have to pay £20 a week to park, just to work there 

We still  propose FREE PARKING in all our towns,  as we feel parking charges hit traders and damages local jobs

blogger said
I have to ask,  Is there on street parking charges in Bearwood or Smethwick High Street ?