Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Quiz James Morris MP in Cradley Heath

You have a chance to quiz your local MP James Morris at a special event in Cradley Heath .
His “ask James” event gives local people the chance to ask real questions cutting through the Labour spin

James said “ This is a return to old-style public meetings where anybody can come along”

Four Ways Baptist Church, Cradley Heath, on Friday November 7 at 7pm and is open to anyone living in the constituency.


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Cash strapped Labour Council bosses visit Florida theme parks

Yes once again Labour show their contempt for saving money by “conducting research” at Florida holiday theme parks

Yes nine council bosses are flying to the US to conduct the research at the cost of £15,441.

don't you just know if Labour ever got in power again the spend on jollies would take off like NASA rocket

Blogger said

Labour controlled Gravesham District Council is off on a jolly, but a spokes person said they are not going for the rides

Wow I'm impressed, but it sounds a bit mickey mouse to me

Friday, 15 August 2014

Red Eds Europe is holding us back

While the Conservative repaired UK economy leaps ahead, fear is still around when you mention Europe, with the German economy in contraction and the French economy a socialist basket case.

 Miliband couldn't manage a cup of tea let alone the economy

A question for our readers 
Does this Labour fool get pleasure backing failure, is it in the Labour psyche ?

Does he really want to model the UK economy on this EU mess and put everyone on the dole ?

Some say he loves failure 

Germany's DAX down 0.3 pct,
France's CAC down 0.5 pct

His socialist mates in the  EU are holding back Britain , as the current economic information coming out of Europe is frightening

Remember Labours Red Ed singing and dancing over the moon at Britain having a double dip recession?
The one we never had!  (he Lied)  but the pathetic excuse for a Labour MP never apologised)

Well, his socialist friends in Italy are in a triple dip recession following his Labours plans

Blogger said

Every country this economically illiterate idiot holds up as a good model has failed its people!
Just like Labour failed the British people 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

High Court overturns Sandwell council tax rules

Yes your caring Sandwell Labour council prevented 3,600 from claiming a council tax reduction

If Sandwell council had given any thought to this policy, or held a consultation it might have realised this earlier.
Instead thousands of people have been threatened with arrears and some people, even those who like these claimants were originally born and bred in Sandwell, have been forced to move away.'

The judge went on to say
the actions were discriminatory and irrational.

Blogger said
Consultation in Sandwell ?
We are still awaiting the outcome of the forum meeting consultation, but to those who thing this has finished think again, even after The Child Poverty Action Group said the policy hit local vulnerable people the most.

This caring Labour council is considering an appeal

to read more

Friday, 25 July 2014

Les Jones, Conservative Candidate for the PCC

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate

I'm so pleased to hear a good old Conservative stalwart Les has been selected to be the Conservative party 'scandidate for the Police and Crime Commissioner.

First elected as a Councillor back in 1999, Les has a large amount of experience in a number of portfolios and was the former Conservative leader of Dudley Council.
Over the years Les as worked with a number of Councillors from all over the West Midlands.

Following the sad passing of Bob Jones, the election for W Mids PCC will be held on Aug 21st 2014

Blackheath blogger said

 Les is a fine and excellent man

Friday, 18 July 2014

Sandwell Councillors HIDE from Forums

If you really want to contact a Sandwell councillor you firstly have to spend £500 on a computer £120 on an internet contract, then go to night school to learn how to use it
The alternative is use your phone credit waiting ages to get a call centre. 

You may ask, why are Sandwell councillors hiding all over the borough the forum meetings?

We believe they simply do not want you asking questions as they don t want to be embarrassed giving no answers, with the same excuses month after month
 So Labour   HIDE 

This Council said they were employing 
20 + new, ward officers
But this Labour run council has not given the details of how to CONTACT them!
So you still cant complain because Sandwell Labour wont tell you how!

Your caring Labour party promised a consultation on which way you preferred to contact the council with your problems

But it was online only
Whoops you have no computer?
Tough residents without IT equipment  were EXCLUDED from the consultation

Black heath blogger said

Once again this pathetic excuse for a Sandwell council HIDE for the people

Your Caring TRANSPARENT council hiding from you

p.s yes I know you need a PC to read this, 
So do the good thing,  print it off and  forward it to someone one who hasn't 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Red Ed wants a chat with Obama

So Ed Miliband is pushing for a meeting to be arranged between him and President Obama at the White House, the funny thing is a Millionaire son of a Marxist want to talk to the leader of the western world ?

I wonder if Obama thinks Red Ed is a complete fool ?

The Leader of Her Majesties opposition reading  

On a serious note I very much doubt if Obama will even look at him here's a possible reason

Red Ed playing politics with children’s lives in Syria
remember Ed thought he wasa so good winning that vote in the commons ?

Blackheath blogger said

Little boys playing well out their depth


Thursday, 10 July 2014


Meanwhile you went to work to pay your tax's 
which pays the wages 
for of those that go on strike

But if Miliband did not Condemn the strike
What does Miliband think of you ? 

Blogger said 
It feels a bit like 1979 again 

Here are some other issues on which Miliband has been silent and the low life even laughs at Mrs T's death

This disgusting bit about  Mrs Thatcher

We still await an apology
Absolutely Shameful

Monday, 23 June 2014

Will Miliband Go?

Labour please don't sack Red Ed  keep him till after the election
as regular readers know I have not hidden my views about Miliband's incompetence, 
but Labour are sword rattling again
This time against their own leader, with senior Labour MP's passing comments like there is no hint of a challenge to Miliband's leadership before polling day
Labour don’t need my help to get rid of him as it looks like I'd be stuck in a queue!

As Labour get more desperate for votes, 
Red Ed's Promises get even more stupid to the point were 
Labour are now promising everything to every one

Labour even offered people a free Owl,  yes a feathered bird

Labours trouble is simple, its not Red Ed its Labour
People have woken up that Labour failed us all with its pathetic policies.
Just like Sandwell Labour
what they touch turns into a mess.

Labours Anxiety should grow 

Remember Labour's Parking Charges ?
Remember losing your job under Labour ?
Remember the NHS hospital deaths under Labour ?
Remember Labour Closing your school?
Remember Labour Bulldozing your home?
Remember the Wars under Labour?

Blackheath Blogger said
How can a Leader who's own team openly talk about removing him, be fit to lead our nation ?

Labour's policies previously damaged the UK beyond belief and now the UK is again on the brink of a very serious crisis and once Labour the destroyers of jobs and the economy are creating it 

Labour please keep Miliband till after the Election
Many Thanks

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Red Ed's Popularity Drops Lower Than Clegg

Red Eds not having a good week the latest Guardian ICM satisfaction poll show Ed has slipped down to -39 his lowest polling ever, much lower than even Clegg who's at -37 meanwhile Osborne's rating goes up to +6.

Will one of the Eds have to go ?

Pundits are saying that Red Eds fall from grace is due to a negative opinion of his performance.

It could be that people are waking up to the loony left and seeing they are a bunch of clowns who still cant accept the last time they ran this country the drove it into the ground

Blackheath Blogger said 

This whole Labour party is starting to unravel, 

Has Red Ed got a job ?  
Has Ed Balls got a bus pass ? 


Thursday, 5 June 2014

Labour's Failing Your Children

Yes both in Sandwell and Dudley the number of schools failing to reach Ofsted targets is shockingly low
The national benchmark is 72 per cent rated good or outstanding, yet only 54 per cent of schools in Sandwell hit the target and Dudley is even worse at just 45 per cent

Strangely Tory run Walsall hit 68 per cent, almost the national target
Lets wait and see if that now comes down with Labour in charge ?

A Sandwell Labour spokes person said "things are improving"

Improving ?
what a ridiculous thing to say,  what happens to the life chances for the pupils were it hasn't  improved ?
Will they be stuck in a low skill, low wage job or permanent unemployment ?

Blogger said 
This is another perfect example of Labour failing our people,  year after year Sandwell schools have been in special measures some still are and achievement has been at the bottom of the UK ranking 

We are still cleaning Labours Mess 



Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Labour's Anti Business Approach

Sandwell is a big borough from the tip of the Merry Hill Centre to Great Barr and from the
Hagley Road to almost Darlaston but one thing is common closed shops and unemployment, 
Is Labours Anti Business approach damaging Jobs by you?

 An empty West Bromwich High street with rows of empty shops

Blackheath and Cradley Heath beware Labour are coming for your parking, look at Sandwell's biggest town West Bromwich, its been destroyed by Labour's business incompetence and car hatred 

Pedestrianisation and building on car parks has limited the trade in West Bromwich town . 

Labour have now spent £millions pedestrianising the road which was already pedestrianised
 but the Towns death continues

 Sadly after investing £millions the Out of town Tesco development 100mt away from the high street 
has loads of empty parking places every day.

 Now in the few car parks left Labour raise the parking fee to £4

Would you spend £4 to see rows of empty shops ?

The intellectuals in Sandwell Labour party think you will 

but it gets worse

This is Great Bridge Car park fenced off 5 years ago 
severely damaging the trade to the Market 
and  local shops
Its still fenced off today 

Now ever so surely,
 is Labour are coming to damage Car parks near you?

Blackheath blogger said

With Clowns running the borough its so sad

Things to look for
1, Look out for the Council or Centro reducing parking (remarking parking spaces )
2, Any changing parking spaces by major amenities, (double yellow lines etc)
3, The Council talks about residents parking permits(extra revenue for SMBC)
4, followed by parking wardens (even more revenue for SMBC) 

If so SMBC thinks there's a CASH COW by your home ripe for milking

Does Labour follow unemployment or create it to get voted back in?

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Millionaire Red Ed has a Cost of Living Crisis

Red Ed was stuck in a time warp today, when asked how much the average grocery bill was he hadn’t a clue, when asked how much he himself spends on the weekly grocery bill he answered £70 , put simply for a leader who keeps moaning about the cost of living he hasn’t a clue.

Red Ed said
We probably spend, er, you know, 70, 80 pounds per week on groceries at least, probably more than that. The point is that different families will have different costs they face. What I am clear about is that there is a crisis facing so many people.

Watch here

Blogger said
This man is estimated to have a joint income of around £7500 per week
could not lead a horse to water 


Friday, 16 May 2014

Labour's Dirty Smear Campaign

You can tell when it gets close to election time simply by what Labour release, apparently Labour have problems with a Conservative leaflet, I feel its a distraction for the failings of their leader Mr Miliband who’s last election broadcast said, nothing about Europe, nothing about Labour policy just smear.

This shows the depths Labour will go too

Labour have NOT said sorry for the mess 
Labour have no Policies
Labour have No Idea 
 So Labour turn to class war

Blogger said
Were are used to it in Sandwell, 

 When Red faced Labour MPs start shouting, it  hides that Labour haven't a clue

But a look on the net shows

May 2014 Labour complain about Tory leaflet

2013 No Elections

May 2012 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
 May 2011 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
May 2010 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
April 2009 Tory leaflet problems

The earliest we found was 2001

Can you find any more ? Leave us a comment below

Well done Labour I eagerly await to read about 
your complaint in 2015

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Ed Balls Investigation

Following a police investigation Labour's shadow chancellor says he will accept points on his driving licence after his car reversed into a Peugeot car and drove off without telling the owner, the collision was caught on CCTV and Mr Balls' cars registration number was traced
but no-one has been summonsed for any offences at this time.

Blogger said
We understand that Failing to stop at the scene of an accident - max fine of £5,000 fine and up to 10 points on licence.

In 2010 Mr Balls was caught talking on his mobile phone while driving

Now we ask
Will he loses his License?


Monday, 5 May 2014

With Labour you Pay more and get Less

We all know of Labour's incompetence with money but the simple reality is Conservative controlled councils cost people on average, £89 a year less than Labour controlled councils and you get more for your money.

While you worry about paying your council tax to Sandwell, I'll remind you why your council tax went up this year.

Labour control the Fire Authority , it went up 1.99%
Labour control the Police Authority, it went up 1.99%
Sandwell Labour have had £Millions from the Conservatives to freeze  its
council tax at 0%

Link to Sandwell Councils leaflet

We Conservatives have paid this council to hold your council tax a 0% for years.

How much extra you would pay if 
Labour was in Government?

Strangely the excuse given by Sandwell Labour to give the £75M pUBLIC Arts building away for a pittance was

The public will give “high-quality education for generations” in Sandwell
Well Mr Cooper as your party controls Education, why not sort it out instead of giving away a £75Million asset.
But at the very same time the intellectuals within Labour cry they are short of money,
they charge stinging parking fees, forcing away the trade from our towns closing shops
and losing this pathetic council rate money.

Sandwell Labour now risk losing all the private rented homes simply because they are considering Taxing Landlords about 1 months rent .

But look at Conservative ways to save money

West Oxfordshire and Cotswolds: Sharing their senior management team and saving £1.2 million for taxpayers each year.

Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster in a 3 Borough initiative are sharing many of their services to reduce costs by millions each year. 
That has meant that every local library has stayed open and taxpayers are saving £1 million each year.

Hammersmith & Fulham – have sold 200 high value empty council houses and have made an astonishing £88 million from the sales. This is all being ploughed back into affordable social housing.

Staffordshire Enterprise Centres: 13 ‘enterprise centres’ set up across the county where people can rent an office from the council on a rolling monthly basis. It gives new entrepreneurs more flexibility, and means start-ups can work together.

Barnet – Social Housing: £25,000 grants to renovate dilapidated properties if the landlords agree to rent it out as social housing for at least three years.

Blogger said

What have Sandwell Labour given you apart from debt?

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Mary Docker

Mary Docker a former Sandwell Conservative councillor
for Blackheath ward 
sadly missed by all

Friday, 11 April 2014

Letter to Gordon Brown, we’ve repaired your mess

While the sun shines in Blackheath the chancellor deserves to have a cheeky smile, after the two Ed's gloom and doom show, the country is now racing away with growth, just has Osborne said it would, creating real jobs and housing. 

Ed Balls and Little Ed got everything WRONG rabbiting on about mass unemployment, their gloom and pestilence stories gave the kids nightmares. 
Not a day was missed without Labour releasing scare stories.in Sandwell, Labour councillors blindly followed the Labour Message, in what seemed like endless diatribe about “the Cuts” “the cuts”. Some fools in Labour even called for increased spending, all on borrowed money like the basket cases Greece and Spain

Remember Labour's phrases
Cut to fast and too deep
Lets be clear about this

one big problem They were wrong and George was right .
Readers should not hold their breath waiting for an apology from Ed 2 Ed, apologies from this pair of wealthy socialists are rare , they still deny they fouled up the UK's economy.

The BBC (called by some to be the media wing of the Labour party) are also very quiet undoubtedly upset that their gravy train is coming to an end.

Real economic growth is the way, with a good education for our young, to keep it going exactly what didnt happen under Labour.

In Labour's case two Ed's are not better than one and in a global market failure is not an option, neither is there any room for fools to damage the UK with their gloomy stories.

This is Robot Ed

Who programmed him ?

blogger said
I recommend you write a letter to Dear Gordon telling him what you think 


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Red Eds like Sandwell,Internationally Famous for Mistakes

Red Ed came to Birmingham today and opened his mouth, but about the same time really serious and important good news was released from the IMF.about the UK's economy.

The UK's Gross domestic product (GDP) was expected to rise by 2.4% but due to excellent financial control of the UK economy by the Conservatives, it is expected to increase by 2.9%, up another 0.5 %.

The UK is now the world's fastest-growing major advanced economy, this in it self must really upset the gloom and doom merchants in the Labour party, but Red Ed and Balls have a special interest in getting economic predictions WRONG

Labour readers can you please note
UK = 2.9% growth
US = 2.8%
Germany = 1.7%
Canada = 2.3%
France , Spain Portugal etc, are still in a mess

Ed's is used to being wrong

Ed was wrong on growth
wrong on Immigration
wrong on Borrowing
wrong on Europe
wrong on Syria

Blogger said
After the important news on the economy was released, we go back to the Labour leader who babbled on, making more useless promises he cant afford, about giving away your tax money to councils like Sandwell.

internationally famous for it s mistakes 

 and  as Red Ed babbled on , I wonder does any one in the UK believe him? 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Blackheath Conservatives helping you get a job

Blackheath really matters to us, after years of Labour's failed policies leading to companies and high street shops closing, with rising Adult and youth unemployment we  
Conservatives are helping you get a job. 

From today, small businesses will be able to give more people the security of a pay packet each month - because we've cut Labour's jobs tax, making it easier for employers to take on more people.

Remember the disgust when Labour abolished 
your 10 p tax band ??

 from today, hardworking families will keep more of the money they earn 
 and be more financially secure - 
because we've increased the tax-free personal allowance to £10,000, 

cutting income tax for over 25 million people

Meanwhile Labour's  Mystic Ed 
performs with his Crystal Balls
and gets it all wrong  

blogger said,    This pair should be on TV
 in the
Ed & Ed show
                                                                                               its a comedy  

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Same old Labour

Labour have wrecked the economy more than once, and now they want to do it all over again with more spending, more borrowing and more taxes.

Labour even want you to pay £10 / month to be a member of the NHS 
Can you trust Labour?

Monday, 24 March 2014

Ed Miliband is weird

According to polling carried out on behalf of BuzzFeed. 40% of voters think Ed Miliband is weird

What do you think ?

 and massive numbers still don’t trust Labour with money.

But Red Ed should know lots about money

Because he's got lots to count

Labour never mention the financial crash it was some one else’s fault

but just to add to Red Eds problems
the latest YouGov / Sunday Times results 21st March -
Con 36%, Lab 37%, LD 9%, UKIP 11%; APP -19

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Blackheath MP Calls for Knife Sentence Petition

James Morris , MP for Halesowen and Rowley Regis is calling for immediate prison sentence for people caught carrying a knife.

Mr Morris is raising a petition wanting much stronger approach to be given to offenders, and he has already met with the Justice Secretary Minister Chris Grayling.

This follows the sad anniversary of Christina Edkins death,
Mr Morris said “we owe it the Christina's memory and to all the other innocent victims of knife crime

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Blackheath Council Tax shock

Yes it is a shock, under Labour your council tax doubled, but under the Conservative led Government Sandwell Labour have been given money to freeze your council tax,
ask you Labour councillor to tell you how many £Millions Sandwell has been given ?

Now Sandwell Labour has mentioned in the press they may ignore the Conservative led Governments wishes and raise your council tax as well as your rent.

Can you afford Labour ?

When comparing a band D home in 1997 to 2010 there was an increase of 109 per cent (av)
If you don t believe it read it

Friday, 7 February 2014

Rowley Regis Hospital Parking disgrace

The caring folk at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS trust have raised parking charges at Rowley Regis Hospital. Up to six hours will see see fees jump from £2 to £2.50.

This is a perfect Tax on the ill and infirm, these managers know they have a captive market
and know you want to visit loved ones
We also hear that Sandwell Council has representatives on the Hospital trusts Board of Governors.

So complain to the Council

Can you afford Labour ?

See also

info from

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Rent Rise for Blackheath Residents

Yes your caring Labour council strikes again, with Rent rises of up to 4% and we are now waiting to see if Sandwell also hike the council tax, even though the Conservative led government has previously given Sandwell money to keep it at 0%
I don’t think you will hear Labour moaning as it was the Labour Government that set Rents to rises each year at (RPI) + 0.5% + £2 per week, back in 2002

                                                      Labour are coming for your money

blogger said
I wonder if Sandwell need s the money to pay for another Public arts building ?

In the Year since Labour took Sandwell homes under council control rents have rocketed by up to £11 per week
Can you afford Labour ?


blackheath town matters close-public-or-have-rent-rise


Here's a document about Labour's rent rises