Friday, 15 August 2014

Red Eds Europe is holding us back

While the Conservative repaired UK economy leaps ahead, fear is still around when you mention Europe, with the German economy in contraction and the French economy a socialist basket case.

 Miliband couldn't manage a cup of tea let alone the economy

A question for our readers 
Does this Labour fool get pleasure backing failure, is it in the Labour psyche ?

Does he really want to model the UK economy on this EU mess and put everyone on the dole ?

Some say he loves failure 

Germany's DAX down 0.3 pct,
France's CAC down 0.5 pct

His socialist mates in the  EU are holding back Britain , as the current economic information coming out of Europe is frightening

Remember Labours Red Ed singing and dancing over the moon at Britain having a double dip recession?
The one we never had!  (he Lied)  but the pathetic excuse for a Labour MP never apologised)

Well, his socialist friends in Italy are in a triple dip recession following his Labours plans

Blogger said

Every country this economically illiterate idiot holds up as a good model has failed its people!
Just like Labour failed the British people 

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