Monday, 15 June 2015

Excellent Local Tory MP talks on TV about EU







While discussing the proposed EU referendum, Mr Owen Patterson MP told viewers on the Andrew Marr show

It is unacceptable that there will be no limit to local Government and European governments agencies spending money and sending information to citizens”

The problem is a legal thing called “Purdah” were a council or any government body cannot spend tax payers money to pay for election propaganda, to get their own way in a election, this purdah always started 28 days before any election

This law has been changed so even your local council could spend your tax money trying to fix it so you vote to stay in the EU. 
Many Conservative MPs consider this change to allow the Government to spend to get its own way in an election an affront to the democratic process and they want the old purdah laws reinstated.

You can watch Mr Owen Patterson MP

Blogger said
These changes to Purdah laws bring the whole ethos of elections into disrepute, the Conservative Party must change the law back or people will say this vote is FIXED

Can you imagine the EU spending YOUR TAX money 
to advise you to vote to stay in the EU ? 

What a complete fiddle or Fix

This Purdah law has been in for years , but the last government changed the law and people are worried this Government will use your money to get a yes vote

The Conservative MP's who want a fair vote have started

we will publish a list of MP'S and how they vote

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