Sunday, 17 April 2016

Do as Europe tells you or else you will suffer threat

The whole UK now knows what these Europeans are really like they are SICK , we've had threats from the French President followed by more threats from the French foreign minister with a smirking Mr Cameron close by

The good folk of  Great Britain need to ask why does Cameron wants to be a member of a festering corrupt Europe that threatened Greece when they vote NO, threatened Ireland when they voted NO and ignored the Dutch when they voted no

Some are now saying that the EU is little more than a dictatorship and with Chancellor Merkel now introducing a new  German Law to arrest Comedians we now fear for our future in the corrupt EU

This came shortly after German news said People who question climate change should be sent to Prison

Strangely hordes of men raping girls seems to be ignored and acceptable in the new German fatherland , but question the temperature of the planet and you get life imprisonment

This is the Europe Cameron want to be part of, devoid of a single good thing to say about Europe Cameron's plan is like his French and German masters, bully and threaten the British voter into submission so Cameron can stay in Europe

Member's of the rich establishment are taking it in turns to give you a daily dose of fear, some of this fear is either “X rated or down right stupid

This first stupid thing they have said was
The Germans will not sell us any Cars ?
Big deal but this is perfect stupidity as I'll buy one from the USA and a 250,000 German car workers can go on the dole

The French will refuse to sell us wine ?
Big deal but again this is perfect stupidity as I'll buy wine from Australia and 1000's of French wine workers in the vineyards can go on the dole and pour their French wine down the drain

Then the Fear
from the French “ There will be serious repercussions if Britain leaves” that right there will be for the Europeans sucking this country dry

While the USA cant wait to get rid of Obama we hear stories of vote rigging and the establishment trying their hardest to undermine Donald Trump ( Republican) and Bernie sanders ( democrat)
and put in their own puppets

Blackheath blogger said 

At long long last all over the world people are waking up they realise that the establishment couldn't give a damn about them , they realise the established politicians are in it for themselves always following the party line

In the USA the established party candidates are not getting ant people support , indeed the main vote is going to Trump and Sanders and the establishment don't like it , with talk of them ignoring the wishes of the people and putting in power there own party puppets

The same has happened in the UK for decades the UK has swung between Labour and Tory with people saying they are the same.
The people now realise Labour and the present day Tories are indeed the same working to their EU masters wishes

To Save
 Great Britain

1 comment:

  1. Cameron is finished no one in our party trusts him Osborne's lies are making sure we will lose every election, given half a chance we will deselect our MPs
    we want our party back
