Saturday, 4 June 2016

True Patriots talk while lesser MP's Hide

 Last night Mr Gove gave a passionate talk about the UK leaving Europe and how we can rid this country of unelected faceless people who over 40 years have dictated the very rules that have destroyed our society and factories, the same faceless rulers that send our jobs and your children's jobs to the continent.

Following last nights appalling diatribe from Cameron still spouting all thing bad including full scale war  

Mr Gove gave a vision of hope, full employment and economic growth not seen in the UK for generations,

Watch the complete interview

Mr Cameron and his remain team devoid of a single good thing to say about the EU brings you threats of War and pestilence and famine.

Ask You local MP's why Cameron and Osborne funded bankers bonuses
While cutting disability benefits
Ask You local MP's why Cameron and Osborne funded big multi National companies
While Privatising our NHS
Ask You local MP's why Cameron and Osborne refuse to tax multi National companies
While destroying our Armed forces
Ask You local MP's why Cameron and Osborne in collusion with foreign powers
want you to remain poor
While sending £Billions of your money to their Mates

Why have we silent Tory MP's
its up to you the electorate to decide

In another wonderful televised event

Conservative member for the European Parliament

Daniel Hannan

Said British laws are now made by failed British politicians
who after being voted out of office in Britain
get massive well paid jobs in Europe 

Blackheath blogger said
Do You want your MP's to work for you ?
Do You want your MP's to collude with foreign powers to work against your views ?

Tell them , phone them , write to them

Tell them you are sick and tired of being classed as fools

The simply way to get rid of
Cameron and Osborne

Protect our jobs, our houses and our Hospitals
think of your children


1 comment:

  1. Let's have look at some of the great and the good who seem able to predict the future should we vote to leave.
    JOHN MAJOR - a failed politician and one of the worst prime ministers ever.
    MICHAEL HESELTINE- failed politician renowned for incompetence.
    NEIL KINNOCK - failed politician renowned for incompetence yet he and his family making a fortune from the EU.
    Paddy Ashdown- failed politician.
    Nick Clegg - failed politician.
    I could name many more failed politicians advocating remain. Then we have the big companies and international bankers who are making a small fortune for themselves and their businesses out of the EU and government contracts.

    Take Goldman Sachs who have been fined over 2 billion dollars for wrongdoing, are banned from the White House and were a major contributor to the financial crash. 95% of British companies do not trade with the EU, but have to implement EU regulations and red tape.
    The only small companies advocating remain are those employing cheap, foreign labour at the expense of British workers.

