Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Brexit Light

The new unelected Remain Prime Minister has now been appointed by the party board and all over the UK Brexit voters see no change in the direction of the UK's governance.

No one will trade with us
All the global companies would immediately pull out of Britain
The stock market would collapse
The £ would collapse
European War would break out
The NHS would collapse
We would lose our security council seat
We would lose our jobs, with mass unemployment
The migrant camp in France would move to Dover
The Remain Camp was full of lies & Deceit!

While Germany is trying to get rid of Juncker!

This Remain led Government still doesn't get it

So far Theresa May has said : It would be irresponsible to scrap Trident and thankfully its replacement went through on a big victory for common sense

Is it irresponsible to continue blindly with the EU's Orders

The unwanted HS2 still goes ahead under EU's orders

The unwanted Birmingham combined Authority still goes ahead under EU's orders

The Sale of our NHS through the EU's TTIP programme still goes ahead

The unwanted Privatisation of our Schools still goes ahead

When need a full commitment from PM May
ending speculation the British Armed forces will be handed over to Germany
in the new Euro Army

Meanwhile British Trade

New Zealand

Have already said they want trade deal with the UK

Lets Not forget our old friends in south Africa

Our old  Commonwealth
free trade Deals should be First

While only threats and not one word of a trade deal comes from a single EU country we have bank rolled for decades .

British Trade Institutions

OUR CBI Lied and needs Management staff “reorganised “
OUR Camber of commerce lied and needs Management staff “reorganised “

Trigger Article 50 NOW!

Blackheath blogger said
Mrs May, we hold all the advantages, Europe is on its back, Juncker is finished, The French talk of Civil War  the German Banks are are mess and Italian  banks are going under.

You waste these advantages at the parties political peril.  

I hope Brexit light is not another excuse for saying we will give every advantage away to our European competitors, because you and your government loves Europe.

 Forget you stupid slogan 

 We need a country that works for everyone 

We had 40 odd years of us Working for Europe

We need our country and our Government 
to work for 

Friday, 1 July 2016

If you really want out, VOTE GOVE

All over the UK following a world shattering referendum result our Government was given clear direct democratic instruction “LEAVE THE EU”, yet inside one week the very remain politicians in the Tory party helped by Labour are now ignoring your votes and attempting to take over the very negotiations for our leaving.

In a disgraceful affront to democracy they ignore the wishes of the people  

We have to elect a Brext Government
there are lots to choose from

MR GOVE is one possibility   

Another possible contender is 

Who did not get involved with the lies 

and lets not forget   

We know of Conservatives in Tory associations all over the UK who firmly believe “remain” politicians who actively campaigned to stay in the EU should play no part in any negotiations, but now following the resignation of our Prime Minister, we urge every Tory Association that if they really want a good trade exit they must consider asking their members to VOTE for GOVE , LEADSOM or FOX who have consistently been advocates for leave

We beg Associations to also consider deselecting their Remain Tory MPs and place Brexit friendly politicians to ready them for the general election expected before Christmas

Blackheath blogger said 
We approach a massive constitutional crisis
We have Tory and Labour MPs ignoring the will of the  people, who are still trying to cling onto power,  which the people have voted to take away.

These REMAIN Tories can not be allowed to take control again  

These Politicians do not realise they no longer represent the people, they  have no mandate to remain in office, they must GO 

We now see the rise of an alternative Tory Party which according to report will be placing candidates against all sitting remain Tories.

Yet some still peddle their remain agenda