Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Brexit Light

The new unelected Remain Prime Minister has now been appointed by the party board and all over the UK Brexit voters see no change in the direction of the UK's governance.

No one will trade with us
All the global companies would immediately pull out of Britain
The stock market would collapse
The £ would collapse
European War would break out
The NHS would collapse
We would lose our security council seat
We would lose our jobs, with mass unemployment
The migrant camp in France would move to Dover
The Remain Camp was full of lies & Deceit!

While Germany is trying to get rid of Juncker!

This Remain led Government still doesn't get it

So far Theresa May has said : It would be irresponsible to scrap Trident and thankfully its replacement went through on a big victory for common sense

Is it irresponsible to continue blindly with the EU's Orders

The unwanted HS2 still goes ahead under EU's orders

The unwanted Birmingham combined Authority still goes ahead under EU's orders

The Sale of our NHS through the EU's TTIP programme still goes ahead

The unwanted Privatisation of our Schools still goes ahead

When need a full commitment from PM May
ending speculation the British Armed forces will be handed over to Germany
in the new Euro Army

Meanwhile British Trade

New Zealand

Have already said they want trade deal with the UK

Lets Not forget our old friends in south Africa

Our old  Commonwealth
free trade Deals should be First

While only threats and not one word of a trade deal comes from a single EU country we have bank rolled for decades .

British Trade Institutions

OUR CBI Lied and needs Management staff “reorganised “
OUR Camber of commerce lied and needs Management staff “reorganised “

Trigger Article 50 NOW!

Blackheath blogger said
Mrs May, we hold all the advantages, Europe is on its back, Juncker is finished, The French talk of Civil War  the German Banks are are mess and Italian  banks are going under.

You waste these advantages at the parties political peril.  

I hope Brexit light is not another excuse for saying we will give every advantage away to our European competitors, because you and your government loves Europe.

 Forget you stupid slogan 

 We need a country that works for everyone 

We had 40 odd years of us Working for Europe

We need our country and our Government 
to work for 


  1. Every country round the world wants trade deals and only crazy Europe want free moment of people

    Tell you what, why don't we try it on?

    UK: says EU, what we'd like is a no tariff trade deal.
    EU: Right, what are you offering in return?
    UK: Tariff free access to our UK market,
    By the way that is much more valuable to you than to us

    If the EU: says Non, nein, we must also have free movement and access to fisheries, etc., etc.

    UK: to EU , you dont understand do you
    Dear Me EU : just to get things going for the next year or two let's go with no formal trade deal just like with the US and see how that works out.

    To start with we will not be levying any tariffs on EU imports and will only do so if you do.

    Dear EU: take it or leave i

  2. Remain MP's now run the country and will be setting up the trade deals, while these deals will be scrutinised by remain Mps

    anyone else see a conflict of interest here ?

  3. Why is it the whole world wants to trade with the UK, but none have included free movement of tens of 1000's of people if we do ?

  4. Your post may be viewed as sensible if it did not contain the following errors.

    The unwanted HS2 still goes ahead under EU's orders

    WRONG. This is a UK Tory government policy - designed under the Northern Powerhouse Scheme which has relocated the civil servants tasked with delivering it from Sheffield to London (that powerhouse of the north).

    The unwanted Birmingham combined Authority still goes ahead under EU's orders

    WRONG. This is a UK Tory Government policy which has been adapted from the failed attempt of the previous Labour Government to do likewise. In 2011 the Tories scrapped regional development agencies and regional government offices which oversaw regional polices. They replaced them with local economic partnerships with significantly fewer staff and unelected "boards" made up of regional business people who are too busy running their own businesses. This policy is an ill-disguised attempt to rectify a major blunder.

    The Sale of our NHS through the EU's TTIP programme still goes ahead

    WRONG. The NHS sales is a policy of the previous and current health secretary who bounced it in to cabinet. Mr Hunt remains as health secretary and TTIP remains on the agenda outside of the EU.

    The unwanted Privatisation of our Schools still goes ahead

    WRONG in that this is nothing to do with the EU. It is everything to do with the now discredited Gove and Morgan. There is no announcement but, in the meantime more teachers are leaving the profession than are being trained. It is nothing to do with salary. It is everything to do with micro-management which is far worse than under the bad days of the Labour government micro-mamagement policy. How do I know? I am married to a teacher quitting early after 38 years and uncle to one quitting after four - both rated as outstanding.

    The issues of tariffs is an interesting one. All of the UK army logistics vehicles are built abroad due to the demise of the UK manufacturing industry. The American safety regulations put paid to production of the traditional Land Rover at the end of last year. Any trade deal with Iceland is nonsense - more people live in Sandwell than Iceland. The rest we are net importers from with Mexico and Brazil being virtually bankrupt. You have overlooked the entire issue of Bank Passporting. Thanks to successive tory governments of the 1980's/1990's we are now a financial services driven economy. If there are no deals on that the UK is stuffed - the UK stock exchange is now German owned (the deal went through two weeks ago).

    You have also overlooked the pharmaceutical industry where all of the UK research is Europe wide partnerships with partnerships then EU funded. Funding for new work has already stopped with many UK scientists being approached by overseas competitors/universities to go and work with them. Brexit is in danger of producing a huge brain drain (including my eldest step son who has two doctorates) because those campaigning for it had no plan in the event of them winning the referendum. Triggering article 50 now will provide certainty.

    Finally, the UK stock market is up - but at 50% of the rate of the rest of the stock markets across the world. The pound is at thirty year lows which makes our businesses ripe for purchase by overseas owners who can the relocate to the low wage economies you have listed who are ready to trade with us.

    Good to see Tory long term thinking being absent again.

  5. Don't fall for the trap that is Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
    Article 50 is a construct of the EU, actually intended to assist them in preventing a country leaving
    (read ' The Road to Freedom ' by Gerard Batten MEP).

    Come to the aid of your country and help make our Laws supreme once more, and get us out of the EU by encouraging everyone you know to sign the petition to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act here :


    Please spread the word.
