Saturday, 28 July 2018

What A Real Conservative Can Do

While Fake Conservatives Run “Our” Government any true Conservative knows that to kick start your economy you use Tax cuts to put money in the pockets of the Blue collar 
let them spend but this spend can only be used for internally produced products,
not imports.

Mrs Thatcher proved perfectly “Tax cuts boost the economy” at the high of the Last Labour created recession in the 70's Mrs T cut Government spending and lowered workers Taxes.

Now 40 years later Mr T does the same in the US

The American economy is booming, Mr T has every right to brag as figures released today show US GDP grew by an eye watering 4.1% in 2017.

Each percentage point of growth is equivalent to three trillion dollars, and ten million new jobs.

Meanwhile employment rates are the best they have been for decades
Black and Hispanic employment rates are the best they have been in 30 years
Blue collar employment rates the best in decades

Obama managed to get 50 Million US people on food stamps

In Trumps first 12 months that had dropped to 43 Million as the US went back to work


Before Mr Trumps Election success the Globalists Experts predicted the opposite.

Citigroup said Trump winning could herald a “global recession“.

We must never forget
Moody’s said Trump’s policies would cause a “3.5 million lost jobs” and a “lengthy recession“.
For good measure
Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers predicted a “protracted recession to begin within 18 months” of a Trump win.

Will Our Fake Conservative Government in the UK do the same?

This fake Tory government has shown time and time again It prefers Socialist policies ,
it wants to steal old ladies homes to pay for care they have already paid for .
It wants to support the EU , Mrs May still calls the EU “our Partners”

Do Partners threaten you with economic attack?
Do Partners Partly fund the BBC and CBI ?
Do Partners ridicule “every “ Brexit plan ?

Highlighting the EU are NOT partners they are Rulers


All over the US and UK people are ignoring the “Experts” , indeed some “experts” have been accused of having links to the old Political teams now being voted out
The UK is no exception with NGO's operating inside the UK funded with EU money and in some cases Anti Brexit groups funded with foreign money

Blogger said
Not one EU country has ever settled with a single referendum, the powers that be have always forced further referendum elections, till they get the answer they want

That is not democracy
That's a direct attack on the UK's democratic Principles

Britain Will be the First to Break away 
The UK is now in the middle of the biggest Political attack on democracy, since WW2,
As EU supporters mount unprecedented continual attacks on our democratic processes to CON
you the voter into thinking that last referendum was wrong, when it is they that are wrong

The EU Referendum “WAS” Legitimate
There was nothing wrong with the last referendum
Apart from not giving the rich elite the answer they wanted


  1. There is a huge amount of additional national debt accrued in America in the 1st 18 months of Trump. This is not the way that Mrs T did it. Could you comment on this?

    1. NO he is not in his first year he Cut the borrowing, that's just the Fake New supporting the Anti Democrats

      Trump is spending less than Obama due to the simple fact he has put millions back to work, so tax receipts are up , welfare payment are down
      Employment is at 45 year highs with 4% growth

      Freeing up funds to allow Trump to invest in infrastructure

      Maggie did the same,she cut personal Taxes cut company Taxes
      Trump is using Thatcherite/Regan policies to repair Obama's damage
