Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Millionaire Red Ed has a Cost of Living Crisis

Red Ed was stuck in a time warp today, when asked how much the average grocery bill was he hadn’t a clue, when asked how much he himself spends on the weekly grocery bill he answered £70 , put simply for a leader who keeps moaning about the cost of living he hasn’t a clue.

Red Ed said
We probably spend, er, you know, 70, 80 pounds per week on groceries at least, probably more than that. The point is that different families will have different costs they face. What I am clear about is that there is a crisis facing so many people.

Watch here

Blogger said
This man is estimated to have a joint income of around £7500 per week
could not lead a horse to water 


Friday, 16 May 2014

Labour's Dirty Smear Campaign

You can tell when it gets close to election time simply by what Labour release, apparently Labour have problems with a Conservative leaflet, I feel its a distraction for the failings of their leader Mr Miliband who’s last election broadcast said, nothing about Europe, nothing about Labour policy just smear.

This shows the depths Labour will go too

Labour have NOT said sorry for the mess 
Labour have no Policies
Labour have No Idea 
 So Labour turn to class war

Blogger said
Were are used to it in Sandwell, 

 When Red faced Labour MPs start shouting, it  hides that Labour haven't a clue

But a look on the net shows

May 2014 Labour complain about Tory leaflet

2013 No Elections

May 2012 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
 May 2011 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
May 2010 Labour complain about Tory leaflet
April 2009 Tory leaflet problems

The earliest we found was 2001

Can you find any more ? Leave us a comment below

Well done Labour I eagerly await to read about 
your complaint in 2015

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Ed Balls Investigation

Following a police investigation Labour's shadow chancellor says he will accept points on his driving licence after his car reversed into a Peugeot car and drove off without telling the owner, the collision was caught on CCTV and Mr Balls' cars registration number was traced
but no-one has been summonsed for any offences at this time.

Blogger said
We understand that Failing to stop at the scene of an accident - max fine of £5,000 fine and up to 10 points on licence.

In 2010 Mr Balls was caught talking on his mobile phone while driving

Now we ask
Will he loses his License?


Monday, 5 May 2014

With Labour you Pay more and get Less

We all know of Labour's incompetence with money but the simple reality is Conservative controlled councils cost people on average, £89 a year less than Labour controlled councils and you get more for your money.

While you worry about paying your council tax to Sandwell, I'll remind you why your council tax went up this year.

Labour control the Fire Authority , it went up 1.99%
Labour control the Police Authority, it went up 1.99%
Sandwell Labour have had £Millions from the Conservatives to freeze  its
council tax at 0%

Link to Sandwell Councils leaflet

We Conservatives have paid this council to hold your council tax a 0% for years.

How much extra you would pay if 
Labour was in Government?

Strangely the excuse given by Sandwell Labour to give the £75M pUBLIC Arts building away for a pittance was

The public will give “high-quality education for generations” in Sandwell
Well Mr Cooper as your party controls Education, why not sort it out instead of giving away a £75Million asset.
But at the very same time the intellectuals within Labour cry they are short of money,
they charge stinging parking fees, forcing away the trade from our towns closing shops
and losing this pathetic council rate money.

Sandwell Labour now risk losing all the private rented homes simply because they are considering Taxing Landlords about 1 months rent .

But look at Conservative ways to save money

West Oxfordshire and Cotswolds: Sharing their senior management team and saving £1.2 million for taxpayers each year.

Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster in a 3 Borough initiative are sharing many of their services to reduce costs by millions each year. 
That has meant that every local library has stayed open and taxpayers are saving £1 million each year.

Hammersmith & Fulham – have sold 200 high value empty council houses and have made an astonishing £88 million from the sales. This is all being ploughed back into affordable social housing.

Staffordshire Enterprise Centres: 13 ‘enterprise centres’ set up across the county where people can rent an office from the council on a rolling monthly basis. It gives new entrepreneurs more flexibility, and means start-ups can work together.

Barnet – Social Housing: £25,000 grants to renovate dilapidated properties if the landlords agree to rent it out as social housing for at least three years.

Blogger said

What have Sandwell Labour given you apart from debt?

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Mary Docker

Mary Docker a former Sandwell Conservative councillor
for Blackheath ward 
sadly missed by all