If you really want to contact a
Sandwell councillor you firstly have to spend £500 on a computer
£120 on an internet contract, then go to night school to learn how
to use it
The alternative is use your phone credit waiting ages to
get a call centre.
You may ask, why are Sandwell
councillors hiding all over the borough the forum meetings?
We believe they simply do not want you
asking questions as they don t want to be embarrassed giving no
answers, with the same excuses month after month
So Labour HIDE
This Council said they were employing
20 + new, ward officers
But this Labour run council has not
given the details of how to CONTACT them!
So you still cant complain because
Sandwell Labour wont tell you how!
Your caring Labour party promised a
consultation on which way you preferred to contact the council with
your problems
But it was online only
Whoops you have no computer?
Tough residents without IT equipment were EXCLUDED from the consultation
Black heath blogger said
Once again this pathetic excuse for a
Sandwell council HIDE for the people
Your Caring TRANSPARENT council hiding from you
p.s yes I know you need a PC to read this,
So do the good thing, print it off and forward it to someone one who hasn't