Friday, 15 August 2014

Red Eds Europe is holding us back

While the Conservative repaired UK economy leaps ahead, fear is still around when you mention Europe, with the German economy in contraction and the French economy a socialist basket case.

 Miliband couldn't manage a cup of tea let alone the economy

A question for our readers 
Does this Labour fool get pleasure backing failure, is it in the Labour psyche ?

Does he really want to model the UK economy on this EU mess and put everyone on the dole ?

Some say he loves failure 

Germany's DAX down 0.3 pct,
France's CAC down 0.5 pct

His socialist mates in the  EU are holding back Britain , as the current economic information coming out of Europe is frightening

Remember Labours Red Ed singing and dancing over the moon at Britain having a double dip recession?
The one we never had!  (he Lied)  but the pathetic excuse for a Labour MP never apologised)

Well, his socialist friends in Italy are in a triple dip recession following his Labours plans

Blogger said

Every country this economically illiterate idiot holds up as a good model has failed its people!
Just like Labour failed the British people 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

High Court overturns Sandwell council tax rules

Yes your caring Sandwell Labour council prevented 3,600 from claiming a council tax reduction

If Sandwell council had given any thought to this policy, or held a consultation it might have realised this earlier.
Instead thousands of people have been threatened with arrears and some people, even those who like these claimants were originally born and bred in Sandwell, have been forced to move away.'

The judge went on to say
the actions were discriminatory and irrational.

Blogger said
Consultation in Sandwell ?
We are still awaiting the outcome of the forum meeting consultation, but to those who thing this has finished think again, even after The Child Poverty Action Group said the policy hit local vulnerable people the most.

This caring Labour council is considering an appeal

to read more

Friday, 25 July 2014

Les Jones, Conservative Candidate for the PCC

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate

I'm so pleased to hear a good old Conservative stalwart Les has been selected to be the Conservative party 'scandidate for the Police and Crime Commissioner.

First elected as a Councillor back in 1999, Les has a large amount of experience in a number of portfolios and was the former Conservative leader of Dudley Council.
Over the years Les as worked with a number of Councillors from all over the West Midlands.

Following the sad passing of Bob Jones, the election for W Mids PCC will be held on Aug 21st 2014

Blackheath blogger said

 Les is a fine and excellent man

Friday, 18 July 2014

Sandwell Councillors HIDE from Forums

If you really want to contact a Sandwell councillor you firstly have to spend £500 on a computer £120 on an internet contract, then go to night school to learn how to use it
The alternative is use your phone credit waiting ages to get a call centre. 

You may ask, why are Sandwell councillors hiding all over the borough the forum meetings?

We believe they simply do not want you asking questions as they don t want to be embarrassed giving no answers, with the same excuses month after month
 So Labour   HIDE 

This Council said they were employing 
20 + new, ward officers
But this Labour run council has not given the details of how to CONTACT them!
So you still cant complain because Sandwell Labour wont tell you how!

Your caring Labour party promised a consultation on which way you preferred to contact the council with your problems

But it was online only
Whoops you have no computer?
Tough residents without IT equipment  were EXCLUDED from the consultation

Black heath blogger said

Once again this pathetic excuse for a Sandwell council HIDE for the people

Your Caring TRANSPARENT council hiding from you

p.s yes I know you need a PC to read this, 
So do the good thing,  print it off and  forward it to someone one who hasn't 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Red Ed wants a chat with Obama

So Ed Miliband is pushing for a meeting to be arranged between him and President Obama at the White House, the funny thing is a Millionaire son of a Marxist want to talk to the leader of the western world ?

I wonder if Obama thinks Red Ed is a complete fool ?

The Leader of Her Majesties opposition reading  

On a serious note I very much doubt if Obama will even look at him here's a possible reason

Red Ed playing politics with children’s lives in Syria
remember Ed thought he wasa so good winning that vote in the commons ?

Blackheath blogger said

Little boys playing well out their depth
