Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Leaked IMF report on Greece

Someone who likes other people to know the truth as leaked a IMF report stating the EU bail out for Greece is a joke.
Osborne is expected to pay out £1Billion to help the EU pay for the Euro's damage to Greece
Mr Cameron has said he will not pay it .

but there is worse still
Under the terms “agreed “Greek public debt will rise to 200pc of GDP and will end in financial collapse, with the Greek economy continuing to deteriorate.

The EU finance ministers knew of this IMF report and chose to ignore it, the Greek Minister is already under pressure at home lets see if he gets this damaging Austerity package through his parliament

Blogger said , I'll give it 2 years before the crying starts

Mean while George Osborne has been telling porkies by saying the British debt is coming down

IT IS NOT  our borrowings might going down be but the British debt is still rising

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Greece Votes 'No'








The Greek people have spoken and a massive 61% rejected EU demands for further austerity. this result now puts the European project in a tail spin and must put fear up every EU sympathising British political leader.

Some people are saying that today the Greek folk speak for all who consider the EU corrupt,.in major towns and cities there are massive street parties with crowds singing "we are free". "we are free".
Strangely the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras said the referendum does not necessarily mean Athens will leave the Eurozone.

This result now puts our own prime minister David Cameron in a very tricky predicament, following what amounts to the threats and bullying directed at Greece from its EU masters and that he has committed us to a in-out vote, we must all stand by for similar threats from the Europeans all after our tax money

The main thing will be the reaction of Germany to this no vote, will it continue its fiscal stance of forcing austerity and risk Greece totally leaving the union or will if make amends on Greece's debt, after all 50 odd years ago a war damaged country called Germany had its massive debt cancelled by Greece .

Blogger said

The whole socialist European project is tonight in tatters with the euro trading at 71p I am only glad Maggie said NO to monetary union back in 1990 , she saved this country so many times


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Greece defaults

This is a real avoidable Greek tragedy, and similar to money lending scams outlawed in most countries .
How on earth did a country borrow so much money, that towards the end it was even borrowing money to pay its debt payments. Yes, Greece is now "in arrears” with its payments and in true idiot style the IMF now charge interest on the none payment making the debt worse.

The sly culprit is of course Europe it self

The whole ethos of the Euro monetary system was to get the economies of the Europe to converge into one political state, but in effect with economies running at different speeds the Euro has forced the countries further apart than ever before and some to the brink of collapse

Smaller countries with semi agricultural economies cannot keep up with the German industrial powerhouse , Germany wont give away its money to balance the other economies, it lends it at a cost and that cost is big, the only way the Euro will succeed is if the strongest economy controls the lot, for many a step to far

It would be like the UK lending money to Scotland or Wales then asking them to pay it back?

Strange thing is even when Mr Cameron says the UK is doing well, he forgets to tell you all our former commonwealth countries are doing better than the UK (OUTSIDE THE EU) in free trade zone.

Canada and Australia are almost running a surplus economy, something the UK has not done for years and is becoming even more doubtful with the news that borrowing under the Conservatives continues to raise our debt

Just how much of the UK's borrowing goes to pay our EU membership fee?

The main heartening bit of good news to come out of this is its taken a left wing Government to work to the will of the people and Greece is holding a referendum on the EU this weekend , the more astute will wonder why it takes Britain another 2 years, but I'll leave that for another day.

One thing of note was the queues of OAP 's trying to get money out of closed banks to buy food, If other EU countries can watch idly by while Greek OAP's go hungry inside the EU, it proves perfectly the EU puts political ambition ahead of its people and is not the club our UK should be in

Blogger said
We wish the Greek people well and we wait to see if  Mr Cameron sends in humanitarian aid to help to Greece ? 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Why you should vote NO

We are now entering a period that will be full of lies and deceit, as we enter start of the longest election campaign some of you have ever seen, the EU referendum.

The politicians are very crafty, you have to be in your late 50's to have voted in the 1975 EEC debacle.

What is the EEC I hear the young ask, simple, its the name of the trading nations the UK voted for back in 1975, following our joining in 1973, you've got it we were all told it would increase British trade with a group of 6 countries called the European economic community (EEC.)

Belgium , France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg , Netherlands

Ask your grand parents, as what really happened was the UK lost its Steel manufacture, the Uks car plants shut and British industry died

Now some 40 years later the EEC has grown into a monster

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and of course the UK are the current members 

Albania, Montenegro,Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are in the process of joining

This monster needs feeding and it consumes masses of money YOUR MONEY YOUR,  KIDS MONEY

there are now 28 EU countries but the UK pays 1/5 of all the EU's VAT , funny that we pay the most
remember everyone moaning about George Osborne and the VAT rises?
I bet no one told you it goes the Brussels?

Blackheath Blogger said 
see for your self  

They are an independent, non-partisan campaign for business representing all parties and none.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Excellent Local Tory MP talks on TV about EU







While discussing the proposed EU referendum, Mr Owen Patterson MP told viewers on the Andrew Marr show

It is unacceptable that there will be no limit to local Government and European governments agencies spending money and sending information to citizens”

The problem is a legal thing called “Purdah” were a council or any government body cannot spend tax payers money to pay for election propaganda, to get their own way in a election, this purdah always started 28 days before any election

This law has been changed so even your local council could spend your tax money trying to fix it so you vote to stay in the EU. 
Many Conservative MPs consider this change to allow the Government to spend to get its own way in an election an affront to the democratic process and they want the old purdah laws reinstated.

You can watch Mr Owen Patterson MP

Blogger said
These changes to Purdah laws bring the whole ethos of elections into disrepute, the Conservative Party must change the law back or people will say this vote is FIXED

Can you imagine the EU spending YOUR TAX money 
to advise you to vote to stay in the EU ? 

What a complete fiddle or Fix

This Purdah law has been in for years , but the last government changed the law and people are worried this Government will use your money to get a yes vote

The Conservative MP's who want a fair vote have started

we will publish a list of MP'S and how they vote