Following Cameron's
return with his prize “Pig in a poke”, the good people of this
nation will soon have the most important vote for over 40 years,
forget previous general elections where if you vote Tory you get EU
and if you vote Labour you get EU, this vote is much more important as it will allow this
wonderful country to leave the debt ridden corrupt festering mess called the EU..
not vote for a Party, VOTE out
David Cameron deceived
the whole Conservative Party by promising he was Anti EU during his
leadership campaign, only now like Blair he openly backs the EU and has the sheer audacity to come back from Europe with nothing , saying its a victory
he's lost the
argument, people can see through his charade
Would you even consider buying
a second hand car from this man
I doubt it
Lets take you back to
just why are we in the EU ?
Many years ago just
after WW2 the countries of Europe had economically collapsed cities
destroyed Industry gone and Governments were worried Europe could
once again break out into a 3rd War.
It may surprise younger
readers to lean that 50 years ago Britain was the strongest
industrial power in the World and on a par with the USA
The people of the UK
were told , (which is now accepted was lies ) that the UK was signing
up to “a trade deal” with the EEC, which meant European
Economic Community , we were all conned into believing it would help
Britain sell our cars and manufactured goods to Europe.
This was total lies, present
day politicians now openly joke about released Government documents
from 40+ years ago highlighting full well Ted Heath and Harold Wilson
knew the real European plan was to remove the power of the British
Parliament, transfer power to Europe and politically absorb the
British Isles into a federal state, were Germany tells us what to do.
Look around you at the
desolation, the closed factories, closed railway lines in Britain
today the same politicians who under the Europe's orders will tell you
its market forces that closed British industry, but they lie and fail
to tell you these jobs ( your children's jobs) are still there but
have now moved to Germany and France, even Portugal and Spain now grow
fruit which was once grown in Hereford
In one location £500
million of your EU TAX money was spent irrigating Portuguese desert
to grow Victoria plumbs, formally grown in Hereford. British growers
simply could not compete with that level of unfair EU job subsidies
so closed
Just one example of the
EU stealing British Jobs
British jobs given
away by your EU loving Politicians who did not put Britain first
Look at the North Sea,
the young readers out there will not know it was called the British
North Sea until 1971, The EU said we could only join the EU trade
group if we handed over the Fishing rights to Europe , our
despicable EU loving Politicians who did not put Britain first
1000's of British
trawler men all over the East coast from Ipswich to Aberdeen lost
their jobs, these jobs are still there, but British waters are now
fished by trawlers from Spain, Germany and France
British jobs given
away by your EU loving Politicians who did not put Britain first
Look at our car plants
Rover, deliberately destroyed by the British Blair Government, our
cars were world beaters
Few people know just
after the war in 1945 that it was British management and engineers
from Morris motors that restarted the VW car plant in Germany
Would those old British
engineers have been so helpful knowing that all the UK factories
would close under British government orders, blindly following the EU
plan ?
British jobs given
away by your EU loving Politicians who did not put Britain first
These lies continue
today, Cameron has disgraced our Conservative party and our country,
faced with the economic collapse of Europe following a socialist
spending spree and following a dodgy war, Europe is in crisis. The
British have had enough paying for folly and EU corruption., so
Cameron Panics
To prove a point that
the UK can no longer pass laws to protect it self, Cameron is forced
to go to Europe to ASK them permission to change British state
benefit payments to migrants wishing to come to the UK
YES its now got so bad the British Prime minister has to ask Europe for permission to
change a British Law and even if he gets this weak concession, he
cannot do it till its voted through by every other EU country which
could be months away
every one will have a vote
stay in or Leave the EU
Cameron has plainly nailed his campaign flag on the side of Europe,
the voter need to seriously consider why Cameron and his team
to stay in Europe because Cameron and the politicians
spend your Tax money to lie to you more
want you subservient while they are paid well by their European
you believe a Prime Minister that lied to his own party ?
Would you buy a car from this man?
you really believe Cameron got the best deal for Britain, after
saying he is pro EU?
Why do
British Politicians stay silent while the EU has takes your jobs ?
Why does
Cameron and his EU loving team
Want to
hand over British powers, so the EU tells you what to do ?
Trade with
countries with a worthless Euro currency
Why are
reports of mass rapes thieving and assaults on the continent, hushed
up ?
Why do the
In team want to stay in and pay for EU folly and EU corruption?
Most worrying of
If you
vote to stay in the EU, what do you think Cameron will do with the 1000's of migrants in transit camps
the day after he wins ?
your grand kids can have jobs and a free future
Your once
in a lifetime chance
To get rid
of Cameron
To get rid
of Osborne
home rule for the British