Cameron lyingly tells us if we leave the EU we will have no trading partners, he's forgot to tell you we will only have the "Whole world", yes Cameron's use of project fear shows the
despicable depths this discredited prime minister will go to get
his own way.
Wonderfully however every time he rolls out a gloom and doom the
Brexit vote rises.
It is now considered
opinion that the Prime minister is politically finished and his
friends Osborne and Lord Feldman are finished with him, the shock of
losing most of his closest aids like Michael Gove and Boris Johnson
has hit him hard, the news that his mentor lord Lamont and
Lawson are campaigning for OUT adds salt to Cameron's wounds..
Meanwhile panicking Osborne's globe
trotting attempt to cajole anyone he finds to back his lies is
becoming an embarrassment, when added to Cameon's plague of flies and pestilence approach which is showing the world what little substance
and character the current Tory leadership have.
But have you noticed Canada , Australia, New Zealand and others from our old commonwealth are strangely silent?
look at the truth, not Cameron lies
Only yesterday we were told
it might take 10 years to sort out new trading arrangements. This is plainly
lies as the EU's own rules state that upon an exit vote if we do not
even bother to talk to Europe and ignore any negotiations they offer,
then after 2 years Britain returns to the laws and trade contracts in
place back in 1973., that international law.
Oh and we get our North Sea fishing back
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar
Today we have the French ,threatening the British,
but what they propose is tantamount to an act of aggression,
They actually threatened to send migrants to
Britain if we left the EU
to use migrants to
control a sovereign state is against the UN charter and illegal
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar
Germany's biggest car manufacturer BMW has
There will be job
losses if the UK leaves the EU , yes they are so right , tens of
thousands of production workers in Germany will lose their jobs, if
Germany goes ahead and introduces trade sanctions against the British
To refuse to sell BMW
cars to us would be economic suicide, but let the Germans try it
Luckily this will not
affect the British as we will be free to buy Cars made in Australia
or Canada or the USA, British car manufacturers will also boom being
able to sell British made cars around the world
Sorry Mr Cameron you and your EU friends are
French Economy Minister
"France would open its arms to British-based banks wanting to
stay in the bloc"
Why would any Bank want to move to a trading block
that is considering breaking up and letting Greece , Italy and Spain
leave the Euro, while the whole EU is Billions in debt?
When the British economy is booming
Why would any British Bank want to move to Germany
were BMW is working short time when they refuse to sell British their
cars ?
When our Car Factories are booming
Why would any British Bank want to move to France
when their Farming economy has collapsed because we British have
stopped paying the CAP £8 billion a year?
When our Farms are booming
Sorry Mr Cameron your a liar
We now have a daily routine of threats, including
threats of aggression and trade sanctions, which come from the very
same French and Germans that Cameron calls friends and wants to rule
Strangely have you noticed Cameron has not said
one good thing that the EU does give us ?
The liar cant, because our membership of the EU
has no good points, the EU has given Britain 40 years of industrial
poverty,.while Germany prospers, our farmer go out of business while
your tax money pays Frances CAP subsidised farmers to prosper.
Then when you moan or complain the EU threatens
you ,
The EU is a bully, it only wants our money
We have to get out for the sake of
our grand children