Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Floods and Lies will end in Tears

As the good people of Cumbria mop up the water its good to look back at the causes of this disaster as within minutes the Government was jumping on our old favorite climate change, This is a perfect cover story to hide that this government under orders from the EU was ignoring the Environment Agency had stopped dredging our rivers.

For centuries very knowledgeable people dredged our rivers until this pretend excuse for a Tory Government stopped the work, all this damage was done under the EU water directive. The good people around the  Somerset levels also  found out dredging had stopped when their homes were flooded, but worse still relaxed Planning regulations  are also allowing builders to build homes were no sensible one would dream of doing 50 years ago , flood plains or flood meadows , this mad dash to build is also making the problem worse and causing immeasurable damage on our countries infrastructure
All under pressure when our countries population increases at 500, 000 per annum 
But Cameron's shoot from the hip excuse " Its Global Warming " seems ripe when going back 
to 1931 Pathe news reels show Yorkshire towns in full flood

Click : Here to see film from 1931

Pathe news has loads of other film clips about poor British Weather from the 1930's

Even John Redwood as got onto the story 

Click :here to go to John Redwoods site

This site has a very interesting comment from a river worker on the Thames saying the silt there is now so bad that boats now find parts impossible to navigate

The question that need asking is

How on earth can this Prime minister have the audacity to pretend to be concerned about flooding while walking around the damaged areas , knowing his teams decisions could well have created it ?

Worse still what chance does this sovereign nation have to get any form of a unbiased EU referendum?
When this Prime Minister actively supports the EU?

Like Blair, how can this prime minister be trusted with our countries future?
Like Blair is this Prime Minister negotiating for the UK? or negotiating to follow Blair into a well paid EU or UN job?.

These questions will never be asked by current Conservatives Politicians as they are under threat of de-selection, that like getting the sack to you and me.

So now in the Conservative Party you can only have democracy if you do as you are told 

So it is left to real Conservatives who only care for the truth

While your Government introduces the

click on links for more sordid details

Blogger said
Why is a British Government lying to the British people?

1 comment:

  1. Extremely well said. Rain fall is not increasing in the UK
    funding for rivers is decreasing
    you say what we think carry on
