Monday, 21 December 2015

Is it Silent Night or Tory EU Vote Gagging?

During this time of Christian giving, Conservative MP's and Councillors could be taking the carol “Silent Night” too literally by remaining silent and not very giving about their views on the EU.

However following the disgraceful letter to associations instructing Tories not to say they are “Conservatives” if they are in the “OUT” campaign, a more sinister reason bubbling out of Conservatives HQ is that Cameron's cabinet and MP's have been gagged, like turkeys for Christmas.

This new political amnesia, which also attacks freedom of thought, has been striking Conservatives party members all over the UK

To compensate for this and so as to help Conservatives recover from this malady, we are asking readers to take every opportunity to pressure local Conservative MP's and Councillors to see if they will remain silent or say if they are campaigning for the “OUT” campaign, we also feel the members of Mr Cameron's Cabinet who wish to campaign for out should resign.

West Midland Voters need to know
if these local Conservative MP's
will vote IN or OUT

Sajid Javid MP- EU preference Not known

Gavin Williamson MP- EU preference Not known

James Morris MP- EU preference Not known

Margot James MP- EU preference Not known

Andrew Mitchell MP- EU preference Not known

Amanda Milling MP- EU preference Not known

Wendy Morton MP- EU preference Not known

Julian Knight MP- EU preference Not known

Mike Wood MP- EU preference Not known

We WILL of course notify you
as soon as they say

This Tory MP sings the right tune

Blogger said
Leaving the EU wouldn’t just improve this country, it would improve world trade, since Britain foolishly gave up its manufacturing and industrial research base to become quiet little subservient Europeans in the 1970's the world has lost our design and business experience

Its time to get Britain working for Britain again 


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