Sunday, 17 January 2016

Cameron Cons the Conservatives

While the good folk of this country start to see through the current despicable leadership controlling the Conservative party, silencing cabinet and party members alike, its good to see that real Conservatives are lining up irrespective of party orders to get this country out of the corrupt debt laden festering mess called the EU.

With Sunday polls showing a 6% lead for the OUT campaign, I ask everyone to beware of the government using EU money to Con us all.

What are your views ?

Do you think a PM who wants to stay in the EU, can get the best deal for the UK?
Do you think a party that silences its members, wants the best deal for the UK?
Why have so many Anti EU Conservative Cabinet members gone silent?
Do you consider it anti British to stifle debate ?
Why is Cameron negotiating irrelevant items, when the Majority just want out?

Where has British Democracy gone ?

The EU project is falling apart and its not just in the UK anti EU pressure is now a strong power in France, Greece, and Spain and now for the first time ever Germany

Allies of Angela Merkels own parliament are looking to take her Government to court saying its open door refugee policy is destabilising Germany.

Meanwhile back in the UK and just over two months since Cameron made a speech telling everyone there would be “NO second EU vote” if we voted to leave the EU the London political gossip machine is already talking of, yes you've guessed it,  a second vote is being considered, to CON you all.

There is now gossip that Osborne is threatening MP's with deselection if they chose to campaign for OUT

The Good folk of Ireland know what it like to go against EU orders, you keep having referendums till the EU gets the answer it wants
                                                                         and that is

Blogger said
Cameron's Policy is not only fragmenting the party but the whole UK and like Blair before him Cameron's obsession with all things EU, threatens to destroy the Party he is supposed to represent.

In a number of circles Mr Cameron is already classed a damaged goods, tainted and rumours are rife about his successor, this time however I feel confident the leadership election will be totally different to the last one.

Force Cameron to RESIGN



Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Toyota pledges to stay in UK even if our country takes Brexit

To the annoyance of the Tory leadership, Toyota becomes the latest company to say they are backing Britain and staying in the UK if we vote to leave Europe,  its also becoming plainly obvious Cameron the current leader of the Conservative party doesn't back Britain and wants our country ruled by the Europeans.

WELL DONE TOYOTA we wish your business every success
strangely this massive announcement has NOT been covered by the mainstream media. we wonder why? 

This followed the City of London financiers saying there is nothing to worry about leaving the EU

So the only group against leaving the EU apart from Cameron is the CBI which is reported to have loads of EU funding

So now we have British business and the banks with financiers saying "EU  OUT" is good and the Confederation of British industry funded by the EU saying “EU IN” is good

Meanwhile new rumours leak out that Cameron's undemocratic leadership is again stifling any open party EU debate by more threats to the EU out Tories, this follows his pledge just a week ago to let allow members to campaign on the “EU OUT” team.

Blogger said
Why is it that the only ones who want us to stop in the EU get paid or funded by the EU ?



Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Floods and Lies will end in Tears

As the good people of Cumbria mop up the water its good to look back at the causes of this disaster as within minutes the Government was jumping on our old favorite climate change, This is a perfect cover story to hide that this government under orders from the EU was ignoring the Environment Agency had stopped dredging our rivers.

For centuries very knowledgeable people dredged our rivers until this pretend excuse for a Tory Government stopped the work, all this damage was done under the EU water directive. The good people around the  Somerset levels also  found out dredging had stopped when their homes were flooded, but worse still relaxed Planning regulations  are also allowing builders to build homes were no sensible one would dream of doing 50 years ago , flood plains or flood meadows , this mad dash to build is also making the problem worse and causing immeasurable damage on our countries infrastructure
All under pressure when our countries population increases at 500, 000 per annum 
But Cameron's shoot from the hip excuse " Its Global Warming " seems ripe when going back 
to 1931 Pathe news reels show Yorkshire towns in full flood

Click : Here to see film from 1931

Pathe news has loads of other film clips about poor British Weather from the 1930's

Even John Redwood as got onto the story 

Click :here to go to John Redwoods site

This site has a very interesting comment from a river worker on the Thames saying the silt there is now so bad that boats now find parts impossible to navigate

The question that need asking is

How on earth can this Prime minister have the audacity to pretend to be concerned about flooding while walking around the damaged areas , knowing his teams decisions could well have created it ?

Worse still what chance does this sovereign nation have to get any form of a unbiased EU referendum?
When this Prime Minister actively supports the EU?

Like Blair, how can this prime minister be trusted with our countries future?
Like Blair is this Prime Minister negotiating for the UK? or negotiating to follow Blair into a well paid EU or UN job?.

These questions will never be asked by current Conservatives Politicians as they are under threat of de-selection, that like getting the sack to you and me.

So now in the Conservative Party you can only have democracy if you do as you are told 

So it is left to real Conservatives who only care for the truth

While your Government introduces the

click on links for more sordid details

Blogger said
Why is a British Government lying to the British people?

Monday, 21 December 2015

Is it Silent Night or Tory EU Vote Gagging?

During this time of Christian giving, Conservative MP's and Councillors could be taking the carol “Silent Night” too literally by remaining silent and not very giving about their views on the EU.

However following the disgraceful letter to associations instructing Tories not to say they are “Conservatives” if they are in the “OUT” campaign, a more sinister reason bubbling out of Conservatives HQ is that Cameron's cabinet and MP's have been gagged, like turkeys for Christmas.

This new political amnesia, which also attacks freedom of thought, has been striking Conservatives party members all over the UK

To compensate for this and so as to help Conservatives recover from this malady, we are asking readers to take every opportunity to pressure local Conservative MP's and Councillors to see if they will remain silent or say if they are campaigning for the “OUT” campaign, we also feel the members of Mr Cameron's Cabinet who wish to campaign for out should resign.

West Midland Voters need to know
if these local Conservative MP's
will vote IN or OUT

Sajid Javid MP- EU preference Not known

Gavin Williamson MP- EU preference Not known

James Morris MP- EU preference Not known

Margot James MP- EU preference Not known

Andrew Mitchell MP- EU preference Not known

Amanda Milling MP- EU preference Not known

Wendy Morton MP- EU preference Not known

Julian Knight MP- EU preference Not known

Mike Wood MP- EU preference Not known

We WILL of course notify you
as soon as they say

This Tory MP sings the right tune

Blogger said
Leaving the EU wouldn’t just improve this country, it would improve world trade, since Britain foolishly gave up its manufacturing and industrial research base to become quiet little subservient Europeans in the 1970's the world has lost our design and business experience

Its time to get Britain working for Britain again 


Friday, 18 December 2015

Cameron's a Farse

Yes had you there, I do know there is no “F” in the word, Cameron went to Europe full of fighting talk waving his battle flag, a white lion rampant on a white background for all to see and laugh at and laugh they did.

Yes Cameron came home with his tail between his legs in capitulation following his rebuttal, amazingly if Mr Cameron honestly believed he could con the people with this stunt similar to the one Ted Heath got away with saying it was a trading partnership, then he simply does not deserve to be PM.

All over the UK Conservative associations are spitting feathers over this fiasco they want out, the Labour party has no need to be complacent as likewise all over the UK in Labour clubs real traditional Labour supporters want out the EU as well, these feathers are of course white as over 50% of those asked in a recent poll now want to get out of the EU giving the "Out" a 10% lead.

Cameron now has a massive problem looming, he went to Europe demanding little or nothing and came back with even less, as Europe have replied with a big NON, they wont even give way to save Cameron's face, this is now becoming a perfect re-run of the Greek financial default where 60% of the Greek people voted against the EU austerity programme, but still got it.
Poor old Cameron got told to go away  !

So what's left for Cameron?

Lots but he lacks the political will to do it, so nothing will get done, he has a massive support from the people to get out and while he dithers the UK continues to pay enormous amounts to this corrupt EU, which still has problems producing documents showing were all the money goes, so has to write off billions each year.

Cameron could put the Army on all British ports including the tunnel with and instant return policy to France for anyone without the correct documents
That would focus the French, as we don't want their problems, we have enough of our own.

Cameron could stop all EU payments pending the outcome of the referendum , that would seriously focus their attentions, at £54 Million a day membership costs and a proposed referendum in June 2016 we could hold back over £9 Billion in payments

I feel confident that would gain the attention of Frau Merkel

but in reality just like the Alexis Tsipras the Prime Minister of Greece scandal who also ignored a massive electoral vote from the people of Greece to tell the EU to sick it, I fear Cameron will sit and scheme, plotting to find a way to keep the UK inside a corrupt unaccountable group who out vote everything he proposes 

Blogger said

Older readers may well remember what a white feather means , they may also remember a certain Charles de Gaulle who as the French president said Non to Britain asking to join the common market on two occasions, in hind sight we now owe Charles de Gaulle a debt of gratitude for keeping us out of the EEC for so long, however following de Gaulle's death and after a number of lies from Ted Heath the electorate were conned into voting for better trade links, yes better trade deals

I close with John Kongos back in 1971 singing

He's gonna step on you again

with the line 

He's gonna take away your promised land 
step on you again
